Fruehauf Tank Trailers for every industry
Businesses needing to transport commodities in bulk wanted an enclosed semi-trailer for liquids or dry bulk cargo. Fruehauf designed the first tank trailer for flour. One of their largest customers at the time was Quaker Oats. This tanker concept was then used for milk and other liquid foods, petroleum products and industrial chemicals. Compartments were designed inside the large tanks. This prevented “slosh” or the forward momentum of the liquid sending the stopped or braking trailer against the driver’s will. Tank trailers were made out of steel, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Some were insulated, pressurized or even refrigerated.
Most landing gears were fixed to prevent accidental tipping of the nose. Repairs and cleaning of the interiors was generally done by hand using the bucket brigade method. Greg Flynn a repair engineer in New York recounted, "When aluminum tanks haul petro products for an extended period of time, the porous aluminum tends to absorb some of the oils. Interior repairs usually involved laying on your belly for many hours welding cracks and patches. Even after steaming the tanks out for half a day, you'd still smell like an old gas tank and be nice and slippery after working in them."
Most landing gears were fixed to prevent accidental tipping of the nose. Repairs and cleaning of the interiors was generally done by hand using the bucket brigade method. Greg Flynn a repair engineer in New York recounted, "When aluminum tanks haul petro products for an extended period of time, the porous aluminum tends to absorb some of the oils. Interior repairs usually involved laying on your belly for many hours welding cracks and patches. Even after steaming the tanks out for half a day, you'd still smell like an old gas tank and be nice and slippery after working in them."

Accidents were caused when liquid contents would fill the front compartments to the exclusion of the rear compartments causing a serious imbalance in the load. Greg Flynn goes on to say regarding the news article,
"It's really not a "Best Practice" to drop a loaded tank for several reasons. It's more common today, however, and quite a few trailers now have geared dollies. I have seen a couple of drivers drop a loaded tank on stiff-legs, both instances involving a tractor fire and a load of gasoline".
Thank you to Greg Flynn and David Smith, members of our Facebook page, Fruehauf Trailers were the Best
"It's really not a "Best Practice" to drop a loaded tank for several reasons. It's more common today, however, and quite a few trailers now have geared dollies. I have seen a couple of drivers drop a loaded tank on stiff-legs, both instances involving a tractor fire and a load of gasoline".
Thank you to Greg Flynn and David Smith, members of our Facebook page, Fruehauf Trailers were the Best